Published Works / Readings & Conferences

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“Beyond Content Warnings: Communicating Consent in New York Theatre.”

Research presented at Early Research Initiative Symposium, October 2023.


“Note-Taking Across Disciplines: Play Reading and Comprehension.”

Research workshop  on behalf of Brooklyn College, at Writing Across Curriculum Symposium, April 2023.


“Architectures of Care: Covid, Zoetrope, and Scaffolding Safety in Performance.”

         Paper presented at CUNY Doctoral Theatre Students’ Association 2022 Conference,      

         October 2022.  


“‘The Audience is the Best Critic’: The Federal Theatre Project and the Applied Use of  Audience Feedback.”

Paper presented at Theatre and Performance Research Association Conference (online), September 2021.


“The Senses in Storytelling: Working on Artistic Endeavors with Non-Verbal Learners.”      

Workshop presented at International Teaching Artist Collaborative Conference at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY,

September 2018.

published works

“A Participant Reflects on Tender’s Training” Tender UK Publication

“A Participant Reflects on Tender’s Training” Tender UK Publication

“Even This Late, It Happens,” Invited Reading through Writers Work (Short Fiction)

“The Skull Necklace,” Published in Issue III of BOUND! (Personal Essay)

“Occupying Together and Dispelling the Apathy Myth,” Published in The Busy Signal (Political Essay)

“Dragons at the Snack Table” Teaching Artist Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 3 (Taylor & Francis), 2016